Best Honey in India and the many healing effects and benefits of honey

The use of honey as a healing agent is nothing new. It was an ingredient in medicinal compounds and cures made by the Egyptian physicians five thousand years ago. In India Ayurvedic physicians recommended using honey to promote good health, while the ancient Greeks believed that honey could promote both virility and longevity. Traditional Chinese healers started using Honey thousands of years ago, and it continues to make up an important part of Chinese medicine today.

Although several hundred articles on the medicinal value of honey appeared in medical and scientific journals between 1935 and 1990, scientific research was often overlooked by physicians who focused on antibiotics, antivirals, and other drugs to treat human disease.
But with the rapidly increasing spread of superbugs like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureaus and various strains of extended-spectrum beta lactamases and microbes, scientists have taken a second look at the healing properties of honey.
Scientists have found that honey has a powerful inhibitory effect on no fewer .



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